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Digital marketing are  different types

1. search engine opatimization

2. social media marketing

3. google ads

4.content Marketing

5.Email marketing

6.Affiliate Marketing


Search engine opatimization:

serach engine opatimization is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of website in search engine results pages through various techinques. the goal of SEO is to increase the quality and quantity of website traffic by ranking higher in search engine for specific keywords or perhrases  

search engine opatimization types:





Social media marketing : 

social media marketing is the process of promoting a product , service , or brand through social media platforms such as facebook , twitter, instagram, linkedin, youtube ,and many others.It involves creating and sharing content that is engaging , relevant, and valuable to the target audience, with the goal of increasing brand awareness, generating leads ,driving website traffic, and ultimately driving sales.


google ads is an online advertising platform developed by google ,whare advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings,product listing, or videos to web users . Google ads allow businesses to reach potential customers at the exact moment they’re searching for products or srvice.

Content Marketing:

Content Marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable , relevant , and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience,ultimately driving profitable customer actions.content Marketing helps estabalish authority, build trust with the  audience , and  create a loyal customer base by proving valuable information and solutions.

Email Marketing :

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote products or service, build realtionships with potential customers , and keep existing customers informed and engaged.Email marketing is effective for nurturing leads, driving sales, and maintaing ongoing communication with your audience.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a performance based marketing strategy where business reward affiliates for driving traffic or sales to their products or service through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing allows businesses to expand their reach and slaes without incurring upfront advertising costs, as affiliates are only paid for actual results.